
Quite a sight & Quite the truth

At our last FRG (the family support group for hubby's boat), we were discussing possible fundraisers. The money we raise goes to events on the ship (half way celebrations, holidays they're gone for - which includes Thanksgiving & Christmas this time, welcome home parties . . .) as well as things we do here on land for morale boosts like the kids' Halloween party.

Anyways, we need money in order for this all to happen. Our commissary (grocery store on base) will give us a lane on a Saturday so we can bag. In the land of commissaries, baggers work for tips. They bag your groceries, take them to your car and load it all up for you. It would be profitable with no upfront costs for us.

The problem is most of us have kids and the lovely Navy has moved us away from family to babysit. The idea just wasn't practical.

It got me thinking though. What a sight would a bunch of wives be busting their butts bagging groceries with kiddos Baby Bjorned to us. Working hard to ease the emotional hardships our husbands endure while literally juggling children. It really would be the best representation of who we are. If only we could strap on a tool belt we learn to use when the plumbing acts up for the millioneth time while hubby is deployed. And, a video camera in one hand in our attempts to capture moments to send to Daddy. We would be quite the spectacle to all those shoppers. I am sure there would be countless other wives there who would understand. They've been there. And, as military spouses - we would get the job done with smiles on our faces.

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