
end of an era

I am no longer a milk maid. Since March 2007, there have been 3 months that I was not pregnant or breastfeeding.

Last night, I nursed Monkey for the last time. He was down to the just before bedtime feeding which was about 3 minutes and more about our routine and last minute snuggles than nutrition.

I nursed Bear for 12 and a half months. That journey ended when he was hospitalized for 5 days and I wasn't able to breastfeed him.

Monkey turned 13 months yesterday so we lasted slightly longer. Not a record by any means, but it was long enough I feel like I have given him the best start possible.

Hard to believe he's gone from this
To this

I was expecting a bit of a fuss tonight when I put him to sleep. I thought he was slightly attached to our routine. Nope. Straight to sleep. Love you too kid.

Growing up is harder on me than it is on him.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Congrats to you for making it breastfeeding that long, and I'm glad the transition was smooth for you.

I'm right now trying to wean my almost 15 month old and not sure we'll be able to do it as smoothly as you did, but I'm crossing my fingers. Good job!