

Having Hubby deployed brings forth all sorts of emotions. I'm not the type to break down and cry in public. I like to be weak by myself. Some people like comfort; I prefer solitude for times like that.

I found a blog (thanks, Google Reader) that has captivated me for the last 3 hours. It was so sad and so very joyous at the same time.


It chronicles a mom as she learns the baby she is carrying will not survive. The painful choices made during the pregnancy, the precious hours spent with her newest daughter, the emotional funeral and her journey of healing her heart. It made me cry many times. Some might be because I have a baby myself. Some might be because we were so very close to losing him. Some might be because Hubby is gone and I'm feeling lonely.

Google Reader (and Gd) gave me this blog to read tonight. It was a sad journey - for her family and me today. I feel better though. It allowed me to release some of those emotions I tend to bottle up. I have mourned. And, now I am ready to start tomorrow with a lighter spirit.

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