
deployment 2010

Life changes. And so do our plans.

Hubby left today. Honestly, I have no idea for how long. Weeks? Months? Hubby doesn't know. No one knows.
It's part of being a Navy wife. It's not fun, but it will pass.

Since we have no idea is this is deployment or if Hubby will be home before then, we're treating it like he'll be gone for quite some time. We weren't given much notice that this underway has the potential of being a long trip at sea.

I feel badly that I had nothing prepared for him. No cards. No DVDs. No brownies. Luckily, I'm a freak and had a stock pile of deodorant and shampoo in the closet. He has my love though.

The morning Hubby left for last deployment

Last night (he spent the night on the boat, so this was his last time home)

Swim safely, my love. We'll be waiting for you.

1 comment:

a49erfangirl said...

Deployments are definitely no fun. I sure hope it's not for long and time passes by quickly for you.